Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Got up at midnight to go back to the Daily yard.  Saw that there were only two trucks in line at the truck wash.  They were lined up out to the road all day.  I went over and got the truck washed.  It was WAY overdue!!!  Then went back to the yard, hooked back up to my trailer and went back to bed for a couple hours.

When I got up, I drove over to Huffman, TX to load a building.  I got there before they opened.  After they get there they started to get my building in position to load it.  While they were doing that I set up the trailer.  Had to stretch it about 12 feet.  Just as I hooked up the air line to stretch the trailer, it broke!!  I knew things were going too smooth.  So everything got put on hold while I drove back to the Daily yard and had the mechanic fix it.  He had it fixed in 5 minutes and I went back.  To load the building they didn't have a crane.  They used three fork lifts, one big one and two smaller ones, to lift it up and I backed underneath it.

Once it was centered and all settled down I secured it to the trailer.

My escort car arrived and I used her as a pole car.  The load is 15 feet, 2 inches high and 14 feet wide.  All together I was 97 feet long. 

Left there and drove over to Beaumont, Texas.  Not too far at all.  They were waiting for me when I got there.  Crane all set up and everything!  That doesn't happen very often.  They lifted the building up and I pulled out from under it.  Then reduced the trailer to it's normal length and drove back to the Daily yard for the night.  I finally got some good Texas BBQ today!!!  Back to Victoria in the morning.

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