Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020

They dropped all restrictions along I-90 at about 7:30 PM PST.  I debated for about an hour as to whether or not to go.  I decided to go.  I pulled out of the truck stop at about 9:30 PM PST.  Smooth sailing until I was about 10 miles from Snoqualmie Pass Summit.  Notice how fast the road gets bad.

Up ahead on the east bound side there were a bunch of wrecks.  They closed the east bound side and enabled the chain law again.  I stopped at the chain up area off to the side of the road to wait.  I got lucky the other day and was able to continue.  Wasn't going to press my luck and continue.  If I got caught continuing the cops would pull my permit and ticket me with a very costly fine.

I sat in the chain up area and waited for the restrictions to lift.

When I woke up in the morning...

I continued to wait.

Here is how deep the snow is up here...

I sat there for almost 13 hours.  Finally a Road Department supervisor came by and said we will get you out of here.  He said to go and he would let the State Police know I was going through and to leave me alone.  I immediately left!!!

Here are some pictures of Snoqualmie with fresh snow...

Here is a short video of Snoqualmie...

I finally made it to Tukwila, WA Caterpillar dealer and delivered the wheel loader.  Headed straight back to the TA truck stop in North Bend, WA.  for a big meal and a long hot shower!!!!!  Weather is supposed to get even worse this weekend.  Glad I'm empty!!!!!

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